In the evaluation the following four questions must be addressed:
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For this question you need to consider which typical codes and conventions of your chosen genre you used in your own product. This means you will have to reference existing examples to show this - think about the structure of the trailers for this genre as well, and how yours fits the style of similar films.
You need to also consider how you've developed or even challenged these conventions; consider your USP and how you've developed a plot that would be 'new' to audiences, but still fits the expectations of the genre/audience.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Think about the continuity of the style - remember the lesson we looked at 'The Fault in Our Stars' cross-convergence? It has almost become a 'brand' because if its distinctive style. How does your do the same? Show an existing example from a similar film and show how you've effectively applied this to your own combination.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Create an audience survey for the Year 10 viewing, but don't be afraid to collect some more audience research - particularly for your target audience. This doesn't all have to be in the form of a survey; be creative and consider using different forms of media to show your audience reactions.
You can always use social media to your advantage! Post your video link and pictures of your ancillary tasks with a link to your survey (
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Consider the following:
What you used to make your trailer: Cameras and equipment; iMovie (did you try any additional features this time?); sound effects (did you attempt to create any of your own?)
What you used for your ancillary tasks: cameras/photography; Photoshop/editing software.
Research and evaluation: Lots of you explored more media in your research this time around, such as Prezzi, Exam Time, Slideshare; Youtube; sound clips and sound bites; images.
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