Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

Content to consider:
  • Remember to ask for their gender and age.
  • You could collect audience feedback from elsewhere, not just in the preview class with Year 12 Media.
  • It would be interesting to ask your audience which genre(s) they think your film belongs in. You could give them a list of genres for them to choose between in case they are not too familiar with something like ‘social realism’. OR
  • Ask them which conventions they believe to be most important to _____ genre.
  • Which elements do they believe are most important and integral to a successful trailer? Music, credits, SFX, etc.
  • Direct some questions towards the ancillary tasks. For example, what do they believe the most successful features on each.
  • Ask if the storyline and/or themes are communicated well through the trailer.
  • Finally, ask if they believe this trailer would convince them to see the trailer in full.

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