Well, I am certainly impressed by the effort that you have put into your blogs - you are the most conscientious group of Year 13s we've had!
The blogs look excellent, overall, with just a few bits and pieces missing for some of you. Make sure you fill in any gaps over half-term and ensure you move onto the next planning stages (which I'm about to set for ELT.)
Huge pat on the back - well done :)
- Miss F
Pieces Missing
An excellent, well-presented and detailed blog. Keep up the good
Just ensure your posts stay as thorough and regular as they have
None J
Considering the technical problems you’ve had, I am really pleased
with yours Etty. Posts are detailed and well-presented.
Well done for catching up on things. Just continue working as hard as
you have been and your blog will flourish.
- More analysis of existing films/trailers needed
(You’re nearly on green!)
Your posts are incredibly detailed, Jake; you’ve clearly put a lot of
thought and effort into each one.
Try to upload posts more frequently; choose some of the
quicker/easier tasks from the checklist to add to your post count.
- Survey results
- Film pitch/initial ideas
- Analysis of existing trailers
This is a great blog, Millie! You have lots of detailed posts
covering most aspects of the research and planning checklist. Good work!
As I’ve said before, remember that it is unlikely you will hear back
from artists such as Sam Smith – try using Creative Commerce (and similar) to
find a soundtrack.
- Codes and conventions of trailers
I’m really pleased with this, Adyn; this is a massive improvement on
last year’s blog. You’ve covered a good range of R&P tasks. Well done!
Some extra detail in posts and thought into the presentation of
information would help you aim for a higher level.
- Codes and conventions of trailers
- Survey results
As always, Mollie, you blog is amazing. You always put so much
thought and detail into your posts. Excellent work!
Just ensure your posts stay as thorough and regular as they have
None J
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